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Fixtures for 2024

The four club Trials are to be run as a series again, with the three best scores to count towards the overall result.

Club Championship Rules

Wessex Centre Grading list

Sunday 25th February 2024. Avery Trial (Wessex Centre round).

Sunday 14th April 2034. 1st Club Trial at Chalkley Farm.

Sunday 23rd June 2024. 2nd Club Trial at Ozleworth

Sunday 15th September 2024. Smithy Trial

Sunday 3rd November 2024. 3rd Club Trial.

Sunday 29th December 2024. 4th Club Trial

Club Events are for members of the Kingswood Motorcycle club.
Wessex Events for members of any Wessex Centre Club.
Open Events for members of any ACU club/ Licence holder.